Contact Us
The Pen Counter is situated right inside Canada’s best luggage store U.N. Luggage. We’re located at 175 McDermot Ave. in the heart of Winnipeg's historic Exchange District and near the financial centre of the city, Portage & Main. If you’ve never had the chance to check out our luggage store, we hope you can soon. We’ve turned an old warehouse into one of the premier luggage stores in Canada.
A great place to find a spot is the metered parking lot on the North-West corner of Main & McDermot between Albert & Main. You can also park at any of the meters on either side of our block or the parkade right across from our luggage store. If you are dropping off a repair or doing some quick shopping, there are 3 loading zones on our block (one in front of our store) that allow you to stop for a max of 20 minutes with your hazards on.

We also have a back entrance that faces Bannatyne. You can’t miss the sign! Feel free to come in the back door, as there is a metered lot on the corner of Bannatyne and Rorie, as well as a number of meters on both streets.
Contact Info
U.N. Luggage/The Pen Counter
175 McDermot Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0S1
204 943 1068
- Mon-Sat: 10a.m. - 4:00p.m
- Open late by appointment